Peintre de la Jouissance à l’infini
Mohamed Al Jaloos passe le plus clair de son temps à peindre et à repeindre des toiles qu’il a conçu auparavant. Il détruit des formes qu’il a créées pour mieux en explorer les profondeurs, tant qu’elles sont encore accessibles. Un détail manquant l’y attire inexorablement. Ces yeux sont incapables de se détourner de ce détail…
The anthem of color and the dance of lines
My art has enjoyed an interesting evolution over the years, guided by my absolute faith in abstraction. To me, abstraction is returning to Nature as a reference, and it is a joy that I practice in everything I do. The various subtle elements of this abstraction has had a clear presence in my art since…
Rhythms of A Body
In this exhibition, I look for a relationship which has remained as an ambiguousarea through many years, between a past when I painted faces which were familiar to me surrounded by squares from all sides, then soon these faces turned outof their strict geometric dimensions toa free space for a particular body which does not…