Ali Rasheed Message

Ali Rasheed Message

Body-related Contours, by this title the Formative Artist Mohammad Jaloos wanted to relate the elementary facts of the human being and his speculativemethod in a celebration where the Artist introduces his visual memory, where the body is a contourand the painting is an imaginary womb, where the artist spreads out roominess which isbeing formed via a space which identifies with the color and its expressive value. A contourwhichhas space as dream or as talisman glowing the deeper we went in the eloquence of the work and its semantic disparity. Jaloos did not want to borrow from the body as being in the nude so he excluded the lure and had it purged of sin and restored its holly magical joy by satisfaction of the knower of its narrative details and their transformations.

A body that derives its existence and glory from our ability to meditate and evoke ourselves so as to have our bodies in a new shape by impulsiveness of who did not pay attention to this spaciousness that penetrates our souls, and we look at contours that are being formed in visual formulations and colored values that lay on abstractive geometrical rhythm in which different materials and mixtures contributed to building the limits of elocution therein and its visual space.

Considering the latest works of Artist Mohammad Jaloos, and while he exercises his professional influence, he works on establishing thework to be received to look for the absent present but for his real ego while it dives in a world which gathers the imaginary with reality,  the abstractive withthe force of expression and the body with its contours.

Ali Rasheed

Formative Artist



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